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Our Charity Care Tools make it easy to inform, educate, and teach your patients and staff about your Charity Care Program.

Charity Care Tools™ is a Brochure, Poster, and PowerPoint Presentation that your organization can use to support your Charity Care Program.

Healthcare Inspirations makes it easy to create great looking Charity Care materials- affordably and quickly. All you have to do is supply your logo and content specific to your program and we do the rest.

Using our tools will save you thousands of dollars in design, photography, printing, and production fees.

Key Benefits:

  • Ready to go and easy to do- no need to set up a series of planning committees.
  • Inexpensive to purchase and efficient use of your staff's time.
  • The PowerPoint training materials Charity Care Brochure Charity Care Poster Charity Care PowerPoint Presentation and the cost to customize may be offset by the 1199 training fund.
  • Easily customized to use your logo, name and Charity Care policies.
  • Exceptional products that have already demonstrated their effectiveness in New York State.
  • A consistent design theme will raise the awareness of your Charity Care Program for patients and staff. Awareness will help to insure against the loss of your tax exempt status and avoid negative news publicity.
  • High quality photography that can be changed to reflect your patient and staff demographics
  • Dynamic instruments which may be presented to your hospital board in communicating to them that you are:
    • A) knowledgeable of the political attention that has been drawn to the Charity Care Program.
    • B) Sensitive to congressional investigations on indigent care.
    • C) Proactive in preventing class action law suits by lawyers' who are looking for deep pockets.

    For more information or to place an order, contact Don McCormick
    at (845) 680-0124 or don@healthcareinspirations.com.


OUR PRIVACY POLICY: We won't share your personal or business information with anyone - for any reason - ever!

© 2025 Healthcare Inspirations. All rights reserved. Pocket-Guide Series, Pocket-Guide to Pain Assessment, HealthTex, Badgie Cards. Peek-a-Boo, Comfort-Flex, and "I Wash Because I Care", "Clean Because I Care", "I Got My Flu Shot, Did You?", "Get Smart About Flu!", "Patient Safety 1st", "It's OK to Ask!", "Patient Safety Starts with Me!/Us!", "Clean Hands Can Stop MRSA", "Taking Caring to Heart", are trademarks of Healthcare Inspirations. Company and product names used throughout this site are trademarks of their respective companies. Although every effort has been made to make this website accurate - we cannot be responsible for errors in price or content. Products and prices are subject to change at anytime and are subject to prior sale. Healthcare inspirations is not affiliated with the Joint Commission®, which owns the Joint Commission trademark.