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  Home> Products Index > Unotron Washable Keyboards & Mice

Unotron's patented sealed structure enables keyboards and mice to be washed and disinfected with hospital grade cleaning solutions to prevent cross-contamination from one user to the next.

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  • Washing
  • What is NEMA 4X & IP 66?

Unotron Products

Washing Process
Learn how Unotron Keyboards and Mice Can Reduce MRSA in your hospital. MRSA Report PDF Download

Hospital staff are all too aware of the general principles and importance of infection control on clinical equipment and surfaces. Yet how many of them have stopped to consider the cleanliness of one of the most frequently used pieces of modern day equipment – the computer keyboard or mouse.

It is unlikely that, you would find a clinical area without at least one computer and with the aim of having paperless hospitals utilising electronic patient records the potential risk for cross infection from keyboards needs to be seriously considered.

Many clinical areas will have at least one centralized computer usually at the nurse’s station which is accessible to all staff but this may be in addition to other computers equally accessible in the surrounding clinical area.

  • How often is a keyboard used in a single day?
  • How many different hospital staff will access the computer?
  • How many patients will those members of staff have come into contact with prior to and following accessing the computer?

The best method to prevent bacterial/viral transmission and cross infection from computer keyboards to staff to patients and so on is to have a keyboard that can be adequately cleaned and disinfected.

Washing Intructions: Typical Wash, Scrub and Sterilizing Process

It is important that before you wash a CORDED product that you ensure that the USB Plug (connector) is safely away from the sink and remains dry.

Best Practice Wash Procedure For Healthcare

  1. A washbasin would be filled with a anti-bacterial / cleaning solution suitable for sterilising.
  2. Sterilize by completely immersing and shaking it in the sterilising solution. Actively agitate it around so that the liquid reaches every recess on all surfaces.
  3. The process of agitated immersion should require no more than 30 seconds to be effective.
  4. Shake vigorously to drain excess liquid and wipe dry.

    Note: Please observe the manufacturers instructions for the preparation and use of all cleaning fluids and wear the appropriate protective clothing.

What is NEMA4X?

The NEMA4X rating (from the National Electrical Manufacturers Association) means that Unotron products are suitable for indoor and outdoor use and is protected against windblown dust, rain, splashing water, hose-directed water, and damage from external ice formation.

NEMA4X - IP66What is IP66?

The IP66 rating (from the International Electrotechnical Commission) means that Unotron products are protected against the ingress of dust and high pressure water jets from any direction.

In more practical terms, Unotron sealed products can be washed under running or sprayed water, as well as sprayed with disinfectants. They can also be submerged several inches under water, but due to pressure-related issues, we do not recommend submerging our products more than several inches.





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